United Church of Christ
UCC-Forum 2024

Raising Awareness - Creating Safer Spaces / Wachsendes Bewusstein - Sicherere Räume schaffen

UCC-Forum 13. und 14. September 2024

Um die Themen und Fragen aus beiden Kirchen vorzustellen und zu diskutieren, lädt der Unterausschuss einmal jährlich zu einem UCC Forum ein. Interessierte und Engagierte treffen sich zu einem Wochenende, an dem in der Regel ein Referent aus der UCC zugegen ist.

Raising Awareness - Creating Safer Spaces. A Joint Task for Our Churches

The term ‘safer space’ generally means “a place or environment in which a person or category of people can feel confident that they will not be exposed to discrimination, criticism, harassment or any other emotional or physical harm.” 

The UCC and the EKvW have been in a long partnership (Kirchengemeinschaft) and share hopes and challenges, questions, ideas and visions. Together we want to ask: How can we create safer spaces in our churches? How can we sensitize our members and open our structures for people and groups who experience discrimination and harm? 

At this year's UCC - Forum, we want to exchange ideas and work together to raise awareness and to address and promote the importance of creating safer spaces and inclusive environments in our church communities.

Rev. Dr. Chad R. Abbott (Conference Minister, Indiana Kentucky Conference, UCC) and Rev. Dr. David Long-Higgins (Conference Minister, Heartland Conference, UCC) will share insights on our topic from UCC perspective. Dr. Alena Höfer (Consultant for women's politics and intersectional feminism, EKvW) will present on EKvW’s behalf.

In workshops we will deal with anti-racism, protection and prevention of sexualized violence, the idea of being a brave church and the concept of boundary trainings. The focus is on conversation and exchange.Together we want to raise awareness and take steps to ensure that our churches become sanctuaries of safety, respect and love for all human beings.

Program englisch (PDF) UCC-Forum aus den Vorjahren